Current Streaming Capabilities on Our Platform


Last Update 1 เดือนที่แล้ว

Our streaming functionality is designed to be simple and efficient, allowing tournament organizers and participants to focus on the action. However, it’s important to note the following current limitations of the streaming feature:

  • Streams Are Not Saved: At this time, our platform does not offer an option to save streams for future viewing. Once a stream ends, it cannot be replayed.

  • No Quality Adjustments: The streaming quality remains fixed throughout the broadcast, without the ability to manually change resolution or optimize based on connection speeds.

  • Unlimited Duration: One of the advantages is that there is no limit on the length of your streams, so you can broadcast your entire event without worrying about hitting a time cap.

  • No Stream Customization: Currently, there are no options for customizing your stream layout, overlays, or appearance. Streams are kept straightforward and functional for now.

We are constantly working to improve our platform, and these features may be introduced in the future. In the meantime, our streaming solution offers a hassle-free way to broadcast your tournaments live, ensuring the focus remains on the gameplay.

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