How to understand that I am playing in a tournament

escs support

Last Update il y a un an

If you take the following steps, then you are playing in a tournament:

For Brackets and King of Mountain Match tournaments, you must press Ready - after a similar confirmation by the opponent, the match will automatically start - if these conditions are met, the result will enter the tournament.

For Free For All tournaments - options are possible - a single game - the Play button will appear - the game will start automatically and the results will fall into the tournament

For Free For All tournaments - multiplayer games - a Find Match button will appear - after an opponent / opponents is found, the game will start automatically, the results at the end of the game will go into the tournament.

For players with BUY status - for whom no opponent has been found, Ready will not appear. Such players automatically advance to the next round and receive the necessary Tournament Points.

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